Welcome to IVMO 2025

Date: TBD

An international competition in speed, problem-solving, mathematical acumen and Vedic Maths techniques.
IVMO consists of one hour exam-like papers that test ability and speed in using Vedic Maths techniques and their applications to
problem-solving. Students who do not know the Vedic techniques may find difficulty in completing all the questions in the time
allocated but are welcome to have a go.

IVMO is available both online and in hard copy. The competition is organised through Centre Coordinators who can act on behalf of a
school or college or on behalf of individuals. Centre Coordinators can provide training or assistance in the Vedic Maths techniques.

There are six levels of entry as follows:

1. Lower Primary – 9 years and under [Born after November 30, 2014]
2. Upper Primary  – 11 years and under [Born after November 30, 2012]
3. Junior  – 13 years and under [Born after November 30, 2010]
4. Intermediate  – 16 years and under [Born after November 30, 2007]
5. Senior  – 18 years and under [Born after November 30, 2005]
6. Open  – Above 18 years [Born before November 30, 2005]